The Westminster Way
WE Believe...
Student learning is the focus of all school activities.
- All students have the opportunity to develop the life skills necessary to succeed in our global community.
- All students can learn, have the right to learn, and should have equal access to the curriculum.
- Each student is a unique, responsible, self-motivated individual who respects him/herself, others and the environment.
- Students learn best with differentiated instruction designed to cater to individual strengths and needs.
- The school curriculum must reflect rigorous standards. Students are held to high expectations.
- The school curriculum should reflect historical and contemporary issues that stimulate a child’s natural curiosity.
Our Mission...
Westminster Math & Technology Environmental Studies Magnet is a place where children are continuously challenged. Our program is especially geared toward children who have a love for technology, math, and making the world a better place. All students in this culturally diverse magnet school use technology as a part of their routine, employing a wide variety of strategies to produce student-generated discussions and multimedia projects.
We offer a fun, challenging and exciting program that involves hands-on experiences. Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science curricula are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Computer technology is integrated into all curriculum areas.
Our Vision & STEAM Vision Plan...
We strive to develop a self-motivating community of lifelong learners and critical thinkers, through a rigorous curriculum that includes technology and appreciation for the Arts.
By instilling a strong work ethic, the Westminster School Community will enable students to meet or exceed grade level standards.
We promote a positive, clean and safe learning environment that fosters respect and tolerance for the needs of all individuals, and the community as a whole.
Westminster MTES has a STEAM Vision Plan in place to ensure quality learning outcomes for all students. Teachers follow this plan to fidelity within each classroom to ensure all students are engaging in STEAM content and practices on a daily basis.
1) All students engage in Problem-Based/Project-Based learning across all content areas. This leads to quality learning outcomes for students because it fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills by immersing students in real-world challenges. It promotes active engagement, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of concepts as students apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
2) Student learning is tied into real-world issues, either via a global topic or with real-world engagement based on student interests.
3) All students are encouraged to collaborate, share ideas, and engage in respectful discourse so that they may use each other as a resource to improve on their own learning.
4) Students engage in inquiry-rich lessons where they can find multiple ways to create a solution to a problem. The end of each lesson may not end with an answer, but instead further questions and further inquiry by the students fostering curiosity and excitement for future learning.
5) Student are empowered by student-led and student choice activities. When students are given a choice, they can take ownership over their own learning which will further increase their engagement into the activity/lesson. Students can choose to be inspired by their own interests and have are therefore often able to demonstrate their strengths. Student choice encourages multiple ways to solve a problem.
6) All teachers and staff consistently integrate Social Emotional Learning competencies of growth mindset, self-efficacy, self-management, and social awareness into daily classroom culture and content areas.